The Latest Chapter in J-I versus Courant


The Manchester Journal Inquirer is suing the Hartford Courant for “engaging in predatory pricing and a concerted effort to run its competition out of business.” More here. Not the first time the J-I has sued the Courant….four years ago a J-I lawsuit alleged plagiarism.

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  1. Just because you don’t like sehotming does not give you or anyone else the right to modify the laws of our country to suit your liking. Wrong. So wrong Reform based on democratic rights is at the foundation of American Democracy. See labor rights things like child labor laws minimum wage overtime laws .mine safety all reforms that were put into law by people who didn’t like sehotming and modified laws to change it. Also, see civil rights law, consumer protection law, environmental protection law, immigration and citizenship laws, drug laws, healthcare laws (don’t get me started), insurance laws, commerce and business laws, water and real estate laws a couple hundred years of jurisprudence and reform all involving people who saw sehotming they didn’t like and modified laws to change it. And don’t forget gun control see The Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986. A law implemented because gun owners saw sehotming they didn’t like and changed it modifying the Gun Control Act of 1968. What works for gun owners works for gun control advocates. That’s what democracy is all about isn’t it?