Model Project: CT Latino News







Diane Alverio, Founder and Publisher of CT, has been invited by the U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua as a speaker on Digital Media Entrepreneurship to journalism students at three universities in the country. Diane is a former WFSB and Hartford Courant reporter who launched the award-winning English language news site with partners in 2012.  Its team of writers covers Latinos and Latino issues in the state and is read by Latinos and non-Latinos.

Diane, who is bilingual, will present workshops in August to senior communications and journalism students in Managua, León and Matagalpa on the core skills and stages for building and launching a media project or business using digital media platforms.   The speaker’s program is part of the U.S. Department of States Bureau of International Information. ,  is a new digital media model and one of a few in the country that focuses  on local Latino related news.   It was named one of four national winners in 2013 by the McCormick Foundation’s J-Lab, which identifies innovative media concepts that offer quality journalism.  The award was accompanied by a grant which enabled the expansion of the site to two neighboring states – Massachusetts and Rhode Island which now both have their own sites – and