2018 Sunday Talk



Following up on two weekend political interviews…

Joe Scarborough appeared with Dennis House on Face the State and of course Dennis had to ask Scarborough about his political future in Connecticut. To sum up; Scarborough said he would like to return to politics in the future, but not right now. He said he found the legislative process(in Congress) very frustrating and therefore seemed to suggest he’d be more interested in running for governor than returning to the U.S. House or running for the Senate. He said he and his kids love Connecticut and seemed to suggest he plans to stay here long term. He also said he might consider working with a think tank to help develop sound public policy for Connecticut.

Meanwhile, on Fox CT, Tom Foley, the two time Republican candidate for governor, who lost to Dannel Malloy in 2010 and 2014 said if Connecticut had a recall provision, he would definitely challenge Malloy again. As for running a third time in 2018, Foley would only say, three years is a long way off.