Names in the News


Kevin Hogan. The WFSB veteran reporter seems to be thoroughly enjoying his road trip to Washington, D.C. to cover the arrival of Pope Francis Tuesday afternoon. He’s been posting selfies and road shots ever since leaving Hartford.

Hallie Jackson. The former WFSB reporter was one of a full cast of NBC correspondents who showed up for guest appearances as Kate Snow debuted Monday as the main afternoon anchor on MSNBC.  The command performances were meant to showcase the cable network’s new commitment to live news coverage during the day. Even Lester Holt made a live appearance.

Clarissa Ward. The Yale graduate is leaving CBS for CNN where she will be a senior international correspondent. Ward has been a standout reporter for CBS, teaming with Holly Williams, Elizabeth Palmer and lately Charlie D’Agata for superior reporting from Europe and the Middle East. Ward has also filed reports for 60 Minutes.

Evan White. The WFSB reporter got engaged over the weekend to Julianne Hunn.


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