"The Real Story" Cancelled?



The Laurel is hearing that tonight’s taping of “The Real Story”, Fox61’s Sunday morning political interview show with Shelly Sindland, will be the last. Shelly is staying, but the show is going away. Less and less political coverage? Bad for so many reasons.

The final broadcast airs this Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Media/political guys Dean Pagani and Patrick Scully will discuss the findings of the latest Quinnipiac Poll, Christine Stuart of CTNewsjunkie and Chris Keating of the Hartford Courant consider health care initiative Sustinet and its future, and the possible loss of 1-thousand jobs at Pratt & Whitney is explored.


  1. Say it ain’t so! Hopefully she signs on somewhere else. The Real Story wouldn’t be the same without her. Who else has the flair and panache Shelly does? Not to mention she does good interviews, she actually listens and is interested. Can’t say that about too many TV talkers….

  2. And this is surprising why? Shelly has just heaped untold misery on Fox 61. If you are management, the key is to marginalize her in the interim.

    Shelly is a great reporter and asks good questions. People like and respect her.

    Unfortunately it appears as though not being 25 and being willing to work for peanuts has hurt her at 61.

    But it is not like Fox is the only station in Connecticut or the only one in New England.

  3. The assumption being made here and on other online information sources is that if in fact the Real Story was cancelled the decision to do so was made by the station. If anyone has facts to back that up I would love to see it.

    Since the Laurel has become a primary online source for all things associated with Fox 61 lately I figured this was the best place to offer a perspective from someone who actually works at Fox 61 and personally knows every single individual named in Shelly Sindland’s complaint against the station.

    Although I’ve informed Fox 61 that I would be speaking out on a few blogs and social networks I want to make it very clear I’m not speaking on behalf of Fox 61, The Hartford Courant or Tribune.

    I’ve worked as an anchor/reporter at the station in both a full-time or part time capacity since 1997. As one of the few African Americans working at any news organization in Connecticut I am more than sensitive to all claims of discrimination in the workplace. Becoming a victim of discrimination or bias is a terrible thing to have happen to you. Claiming to be discriminated against when no discrimination has occurred is worse.

    The dysfunctional newsroom described in the complaint isn’t the place I’ve worked at for the past 12 years. The unflattering characterizations of many of the people named in the complaint don’t reflect my own relationship or experiences with them.

    It’s unfortunate that some people named in the complaint haven’t been given the benefit of doubt while at the same time almost all of the allegations made against the station have been taken as fact. Even the most ardent Fox 61 hater will have to acknowledge a lot more context is needed to fully understand the merits of the claims made in the complaint.

    Let me say very clearly I have no idea if anything or everything outline in the complaint is true, but at some point everyone involved in this case will have to raise their hand under oath and present evidence that the events in question either happened or didn’t. At that point let the chips fall where they may.

  4. Chris Keating??? Where??? Where??? I’m setting my DVR!!!! lol. HE’s not blond and doesn’t have big boobs!!!! But we love him just the same. Interesting. Please don’t take Shelly away now. you’ll lose viewers … I’m warnin’ ya …

  5. I too am disappointed to see Rick Hancock’s comments. Being black doesn’t make him an expert in age or gender discrimination— something experienced all too frequently by women.

    Rick, if the discrimination claims are false, how come Shelly Sindland is the only 40+ woman on the station? If it’s because they aren’t as attractive and don’t sell ratings, what does this say about the integrity of WTIC’s news operation? Also, if there’s no discrimination, why does Stan Simpson get extensive production support for his show while WTIC has made Shelly serve as her own producer?

    You question the assertion that WTIC canceled The Real Story but bring zero facts into the picture. If you want to be helpful, why don’t you tell us— what happened to The Real Story?
