Sunday Talk


Host: Susan Raff for Dennis House

DMV Commissioner Sibongile “Bongi” Magubane and Deputy Commissioner Tony Guerrerra on wait times and new verified licenses

Joe Scully, CT Trucking Industry, on tolls and truck damage to roads

Remembering Denise D’Ascenzo


The Real Story  Fox 61  10 a.m.

Hosts: Jennifer Bernstein and Al Terzi

  • State Rep. John Hampton (D) of Simsbury, opponent of trucks-only toll plan
  • Law Professor Bill Dunlap on Rhode Island trucker lawsuit and impeachment inquiry
  • Remembering Denise D’Ascenzo

Real People Fox61 10:30 am

Host: Stan Simpson

  • Wanjika “Wawa” Gatheru, UConn’s first-ever Rhodes Scholar



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Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

  • Rudy Marconi, First Selectman of Ridgefield and board member of COST, on municipal aid that has not been released by the State
  • Jim Judge, President & CEO of Eversource, on the company’s plans to go carbon neutral 


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CT Capitol Report WTNH Sunday 10:00am

Host: Tom Dudchik

Trucks and Tolls Bumped to January 2020

Denise Merrill endorses Elizabeth Warren

Mark Davis interview with Governor Lamont on the Rhode Island trucks/tolls case

Killingly Mascot debate

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Power & Politics News12 Saturday & Sunday at 11:30 am, 4:40 pm, & 8:30pm.

Host: John Craven

  •  International incident: Steven Seligman, attorney suing Darien parent Scott Hapgood over death in Caribbean island of Anguilla
  • Fairfield special election: Brian Farnen (R) and Jennifer Leeper (D) debate  for newly vacated CT House seat
  • Stew Leonard’s Day in CT: Stew Leonard, Jr. and Sr. on the store’s 50th birthday