TV Worth Watching


Thursday night, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, spent the first part of his show criticizing former President Trump, the news media, and his own network. The media criticism contained within O’Donnell’s commentary was especially harsh.

He criticized American news networks for carrying live – almost in its entirety – Trump’s Thursday news conference which was filled with lies and in O’Donnell’s view – most of those lies went un-challenged by the reporters in the room. He criticized the press for buying into Trump’s criticism that Kamala Harris hasn’t done or can’t do a news conference. He criticized the networks for carrying Trump live while ignoring a speech by Harris taking place at about the same time.

The O’Donnell segment was not only worth watching as an act of career courage, but it offers a serious consideration of how Trump – a now convicted felon who still faces up three additional criminal trials – should be covered.

Following his commentary, O’Donnell aired – in its entirety – the speech by Harris that had been pre-empted by the Trump news conference.

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