More Cuts Expected at the Hartford Courant


A series of newsroom and company-wide meetings are taking place this week at the Courant to inform staff of impending cuts, and the cuts are being described as “aggressive”. Courant personnel have been told that the layoffs will happen between now and the end of the month. Advertising revenue is apparently down 30%. The size of the “news hole” is not expected to change despite the staff reductions.


  1. Much of the news you hear on the radio comes from reporting done by newspapers. It’s known as the rip-and-read: rip it out of the paper and read it on the air.

    And love it or hate it, even the much-reduced Courant in all its half-assed misery is more comprehensive than any other local paper. It’s certainly little more than a shadow of what it used to be, but without the Courant, Rowland would probably still be governor, and Eddie Perez would probably still be remodeling his house for free.