Geoff Fox Out at WTNH

Geoff Fox

WTNH’s 26-year veteran meteorologist Geoff Fox learned on Wednesday that his contract is not being renewed. The New Haven Register’s Joe Amarante has the details, and they’re not pretty. The Laurel and others are wondering what’s going on at WTNH? The recent departure of News Director Kirk Varner for Cincinnati (not a big market jump), the non-renewal of weathercaster Matt Scott, the embarassing promotion campaign of traffic reporter Teresa LaBarbera, and now this.

From Geoff’s blog “My Permanent Record”:

I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’d like to stay on-air in Connecticut, but all the good jobs are occupied by my friends. I have prepared an audition website for a day like this and have sent that link to a few stations already. Ditching winter permanently is appealing!

A “Keep Geoff Fox on Channel 8” page has started on Facebook and less than 24 hours after the announcement had more than 7-hundred friends.


  1. This is just plain lousy news for Geoff and for viewers. I feel badly for him and wish him and his family the best. But now a bunch of weathermen/meteorologists are getting sacked in CT and I agree strongly w/what I’ve seen written earlier on this very intersting website…TV news is just Show Biz…and that’s all it is. No job security for the people we see on the air, and I’m sure they know this, and it’s a cruel business. apparently.
    Best of luck, Geoff..hope another station takes you!

  2. I’ve known Geoff for (what I think) is 2 decades and happily call him a friend. He is a terrific meteorologist and a superb talent. I am not sure why management decided to not renew him but (in my opinion) it was a lousy decision.

    Weather is (as all management will tell you) a VERY important part of a newscast and getting it from people you know and trust is essential. Even more important is that viewers have to believe the meteorologist knows what he/she is talking about and not just reading words off a prompter.

    Being entertaining also helps.

    Geoff is a pro and i know he will land on his feet.

  3. The “Keep Geoff Fox on Channel8” facebook page has 6,800 followers and over 90,000 post view hits as of Sunday afternoon. Fans are becoming frustrated with LIN Media and WTNH. Mark Higgins’ phone extension is no longer valid. Emails to LIN Media are bounced back as the security code window does not work. We have been told that WTNH does not read their own facebook page. i assure them that the viewers do read the page. The viewers are talking about a boycott and a protest on New Haven Green. The link to the Keep Geoff Fox on Channel8 page is as follows: