…some weeklies will pick up the slack. For example, the East Hartford Gazette. The following was submitted to The Laurel:
“Three months have passed since the Journal Register Company washed its hands of the 124-year-old East Hartford Gazette. Bill Doak, The Gazette’s longtime weekly editor, has assumed the duties of the community newspaper’s publisher. The weekly continues to be published, not only devoted to serving local interests but once again, in its reincarnation, independently owned and operated, but also started up a spankin’ website in hopes of offering advertisers and readers broader access and options for reading about, and advertising in, the local community. Taking his commitment to the town as the editor one big step further, Doak says his goal is go back to the time when personal service and developing local contacts and relationships were the main reasons why newspapers, and weekly newspapers in particular, were started in the first place.
‘We are not just publishing honor rolls, obituaries, letters, news, politics or sports – we are renewing the social contract weekly,’ says Doak. ‘The Gazette is what knits East Hartford together. It keeps us a town.’
Check out the website: www.ehgazette.com
“Doak feels the future of newspapers rests with the weekly print model, published in conjunction with an active, frequently-updated website.
‘And we are 100 percent blog free. So feel free to graze on much of the same wholesome, good old-fashioned news reporting your father loved to read so much with his morning toast and coffee.’ “