Connecticut reporters who’ve trekked up to New Hampshire to cover the presidential primary know the influence of the Union Leader newspaper.
The Manchester, N.H. based paper is making news by refusing to endorse the Republican candidate for president for the first time in 100 years. But that does not mean the reliable ally of GOP candidates is backing Hillary Clinton. Instead, the paper has endorsed the Libertarian ticket of former governors Gary Johnson and William Weld. Both former Republicans.
The Union Leader opens its endorsement editorial with this joke:
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are together in a lifeboat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. No land in sight. No ships in sight.
Question: Who survives?
Answer: The American people.
Meanwhile, Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post, originally from Marlborough, Connecticut, writes that Donald Trump is gaining ground and currently has the momentum in this race.
Finally, as a service to our readers, if you are looking to force an outcome in the presidential race you can use the Real Clear Politics “make your own Electoral College map” on the RCP website. Using this tool you can apply your own intuition or even the latest polling to predict who will win on Election Day. Just click the “Create Your Own Map” tab.