Adieu to a Longtime Friend


The New York Times

So it was never the best part of the Sunday New York Times, but if you were in Connecticut journalism it wasn’t a good idea to skip the Connecticut Section because a story in there had wide readership. And it was a complete letdown when the excellent Connecticut-centric editorials by Maura Casey (formerly of The Day of New London) were cut a while back. But it was always nice to know the section was there, and now it’s not. Yesterday marked the last edition and now on Sundays,  Connecticut stories will be part of a new section called “Metropolitan”.

Recently “Connecticut” was sharing space with New Jersey features which made for an odd mix, but on a weekly basis we were seeing coverage of the state capitol and politics by Greg Hladky, formerly of the New Haven Register, and Mark Pazniokas, late of the Hartford Courant. Having the benefit of their weekly reporting and perspective was going to get some of us through this thinning-out period of the dailies. But it was not to be.

With all this in mind, it was poignant to  see that this final edition of “Connecticut” included  a piece by Tracy Gordon Fox, another former Courant veteran. It’s about finding a new life after reporting.


  1. The Times needs to get rid of the New England edition and run the Metro, or late, edition all the way up to Canada, just changing the weather page and TV listings to suit the region in which it’s being sold. If they did this, they would increase sales of both the Times and Boston Globe throughout New England. The elimination of the regional Sunday news may save NYT some paper. But I don’t think, from the response I’ve received this week from customers, it’s gonna help NYT sell more papers. The Times’ home delivery subscriber price increase is ill-timed, coming within a week of the elimination of the Connecticut section.