Alumni News



Nice article in a Northeastern University publication about Lisa Marie Pane of the Associated Press. Lisa reported for the Connecticut AP in the early 90s; she also briefly worked press and policy for then-Attorney General Richard Blumenthal before returning to the national AP where she’s had a long and successful career.

Andrea Mitchell, Jenn Suozzo

Jenn Suozzo was a producer at NBC CT in the early 2000s. She moved on to MSNBC. Fast forward to late 2018, when she was named Executive Producer of NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.

There was a time when the Hartford Courant had reporters based in Washington D.C. who covered Connecticut issues. One of those was David Lightman, who now works for McClatchy covering Congress and elections and can occasionally be heard as a guest on WTIC-am 1080’s morning show. If the reporting is accurate that McClatchy wants to buy the Courant’s parent company –Tribune — perhaps Courant readers will once again consume David’s reporting on a regular basis.



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