Anyone Remember "Miggs B on TV"?


The Daily Beast posts “The Nine Lives of Rush Limbaugh” today, complete with video clips. One of the clips is from a  Connecticut public-access show Miggs B on TV (1988).  Kind of a Wayne’s World thing going on here.  Anyone recognize this show?


  1. Hi

    I remember it well because it was my show. I did it for 22 years and getting Rush to come was a coup. He had just been syndicated nationally, but had never been on TV before. We sent a limo for him and just before taping, in the middle of a snow storm in January, a bomb scare was called into the Cablervision studios, He didnt bring an overcoat and stood out in the cold and wind and snow with the rest of us in just a jacket and tie, for about an hour until the studio was cleared. He never complained, and I have to say, he was a good sport though it all and very gracious, My feelings for him today are not quite as warm. Miggs B