Home Authors Posts by dubymcd



New "Content Manager" at the Courant/Fox 61

Hartford Courant Editor Cliff Teutsch and Fox61 News Director Bob Rockstroh will now be reporting to Jeff Levine, who comes from the Orlando market...

Two Departures

CT Confidential informs us of the unfortunate news that Peter Urban, Connecticut's last Washington-based reporter, was laid off by his employer, The Connecticut Post....

Two Baby Boys for Irene O'Connor

The Laurel was just told that WFSB's Irene O'Connor delivered her twins last night - two baby boys. Mazel tov to her and husband...

AP Broadcast Awards

Winners were announced Friday night in Cromwell - News 12 Connecticut won the top TV award- the Mark Twain Award for overall station broadcast excellence. ...

Pain at Connecticut's Hearst Papers

The bad news always gets dropped late Friday. Hearst announced 44 cuts at its  Connecticut newspapers and the newsrooms haven't been spared.  Only in...

The Latest

The response from Courant Publisher/Fox61 General Manager Richard Graziano as reported on the Courant's web site Friday night: Earlier in the evening, Veisor and other...

Sunday Talk

Face the State WFSB   11 a.m. Host: Dennis House The Debate over the Electoral College: Rep. James Spallone (D-Essex) and Rep. David Labriola (R-Naugatuck) discuss the...

More Broadcast Babies

This morning d.j. "Walmart Jeff" of WKSS-FM KISS 95.7 announced that he and his wife are expecting their first child in August...

Sign of the Times

Drive on I-84 East past the Hartford Courant and you'll see a big billboard atop the building featuring the Fox61 morning news team.

"Changes" at WFSB

Some happy baby and wedding news from the Land of the Three. Mike and Maggie, we'll all have the salmon entree. And Dennis and Kara,...