Home Authors Posts by Dean Pagani

Dean Pagani


Paper Recession

According to a study from the Pew Research Center 2015 was another bad year for newspapers. Pew says circulation fell by 7% weekdays and by...

Decker to 'bama

Brittany Decker formerly of WTNH and recently of WGGB in Springfield is leaving the northeast for a job in Birmingham, Alabama. She will be weekend...

Hope Hicks Profile

With the media and political world focused on Donald Trump's firing of his campaign manager some of the discussion has centered on the small...

HBJ Honored

ICYMI - Our friends at the Hartford Business Journal won four awards for editorial excellence from the Alliance of Area Business Publishers. The Alliance...

Property for Sale

Hearst Connecticut Media has announced it is selling two of its buildings that currently house the Connecticut Post, in Bridgeport and the Danbury News-Times,...


Still from tronc employee video. Monday Tribune Publishing officially became tronc(the small "t" is part of the brand). The name change is supposed to signal the...

New World Order

Photo: Hartford Business Journal Newspapers, websites and television stations are more open than ever to the idea of sponsored content and native advertising. And some...

The Allen Transition

As a reflection of how many hours each day that Mike Allen is awake and working Politico has announced three people will take over...

Message Dilution

If you were a journalist intent on exposing Donald Trump as a danger to the country you might use the power of your press...

Sunday Talk

            Face the StateĀ WFSB 11 am Substituting This Week for Dennis House - Susan Raff Gun Control and Senator Murphy's Filibuster: Russell Blair - Hartford Courant Manufacturing in Connecticut: Mark...