Home Authors Posts by Dean Pagani

Dean Pagani


Sunday Talk

        Face the StateĀ WFSB 11 am Host: Dennis House J.R. Romano - CT GOP chairman Bob Englehart - Retired Hartford Courant political cartoonist Flashback: Governor Rell on budget cuts,...

More Courant Buyouts

The day before Thanksgiving was the last day of work at the Hartford Courant for some of the long time employees who took the...

Julie Leonardi Joins 3

WGGB reporter Julie Leonardi is moving south to Rocky Hill to join WFSB as a reporter. Leonardi was in Springfield for two years. She once...

Will on Wesleyan

Columnist George Will, a graduate of Trinity College in Hartford, mentioned Wesleyan University in his Thanksgiving week column. Will writes about the on-going trend toward...

Meredith Floats Cash

As the Media General/Meredith merger teeters, Meredith is reportedly considering adding some cash to the deal to make it work. The New York Post is...

NECN Departures

Two long time personalities with New England Cable News are leaving. Midday anchor Bridget Blythe has left the network and no one is saying why....

Road Race

Photo: Hartford Courant, 1989 snowy start. If you're thinking about, but not running in the Manchester Road Race this Thanksgiving you'll want to know where...

Headline History

Our friend Dan Lovallo has launched another podcast as he continues to run where the brave dare not go. Headline History is a podcast look...


Photo: The Atlantic Like many, you've probably asked yourself a few times since Paris, who are these guys - ISIS - and what the Hell...

Stretch Tunic Pencil

If you're thinking about a versatile, inexpensive workhorse dress, our friends at News Blues stumbled upon this dress, which appears to be showing up...