Home Authors Posts by Dean Pagani

Dean Pagani


Everybody Wins

This is just a great story for the greater Hartford area... The Atlantic League has formally decided New Britain will get a baseball team next...

Cooler Heads?

One week after a petition drive was started to defund the Wesleyan Argus, the paper is still publishing and those who initiated the petition...

If You Like This…

Photo: The White House A couple of good photo collections we thought we'd share with you from the White House photo staff. Which usually means: Chief...

Hurricane Joaquin

Let us be the first to tell you that there is a hurricane gathering strength off the east coast and it may or may...

Viral Audio

It is a generally accepted fact that in the world of viral Internet shares - audio alone rarely goes viral. There is one well known...


A few recent profiles to pass along. Clarissa Ward, the Yale graduate, who recently left CBS to join CNN as a senior international correspondent is...

Caw Caw

We heard a discussion among business journalists the other day about the future of Twitter. The company has been without a permanent CEO for an...

Media General – Meredith

The planned merger between Media General and Meredith, that could have major implications for WFSB and WTNH, is running into trouble. It all began Monday...

Of Interest

Photo: Int'l Women's Media Foundation We ran across an interesting story about a new app designed to keep journalists safe when they're in the field. The...

Tomorrow…the World

Like we've said before, Politico has plans for world domination and that includes Connecticut. Now the plans are public and in writing.