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Today's Media Links

Dean Pagani interviews our own Duby McDowell about The Laurel. The Globe is cutting back its newsroom. Twitter breaks another news story. Something about a plane...

Print Blogs

The Hartford Courant has been dissected by every angle since it redesigned its layout.  One aspect that is fascinating is how there are sections...

Hladky's Back

Actually, Greg Hladky never went away - he was just unceremoniously laid off by the New Haven Register last March after a couple decades...

Buyer Found!

It appears as though the New Britain Herald and Bristol Press have been saved.  An offer to buy the two papers has been accepted. ...

Newspaper Auction

Talks between state legislators and the Commissioner of Economic Development have not materialized any offers for the Bristol Press and New Britain Herald. According to...


No, not that kind. The kind that's even worse.

Old and New Media

Our media has evoloved from a slow progression toward the internet to a steady jog toward the internet... The AP is reporting that two of...

Newspaper Bailout?

Connecticut's media will be paying close attention to see what approach, if any, the Connecticut legislature takes on the impending closings of the New...

Conservative Comeback for Print

One Connecticut commentator is not sad to see the recent downturn in Connecticut's press rooms.  D. Dowd Muska charges that cutbacks at newspapers can provide...

The Next Curry

Via the Connecticut Gazetter: The Courant has to hunt up a new left-leaning columnist to replace Bill Curry, who ended his column last Sunday. How...