Home Television


Coppola Street

The quietly consistent and hard working Rich Coppola is stepping away from the anchor desk at News 8 to "concentrate on reporting," according to...

Sherman Arrives

For the second time this week we can report a journalist from the north country is headed south to Connecticut to take on a...

Black Lands in Hartford

After leaving CNYCentral in Syracuse last month there was speculation about where Tony Black would end up next. Monday he announced on social media that...

Elsa Klensch, 92

The creator of one of CNN's longest running and most popular weekend shows, Elsa Klensch is dead. She was 92. Style with Elsa Klensch ran...


Sometimes words and phrases work their way into our daily vocabulary even though we might not fully understand their meaning or origin. So we wondered...

Licht Named President of CNN

As we first reported Monday, Connecticut native Chris Licht has been named as the next president and CEO of CNN. Licht was there at the...

Griffin In the War Zone

We live in a strange time. A major American cable television network, known as Fox News, regularly broadcasts disinformation to a very receptive segment of...

Flowers Joins Fox 61

Fox 61 has hired Christina Flowers as morning news content director. She comes to Hartford from Fox 61's sister station in Cleveland, Ohio and has...

Hormaza Named Fox 61 GM

TEGNA has named Humberto Hormaza president and general manager of Fox61/CW20. The move comes one week after it was announced TEGNA plans to sell to...

Licht to Replace Zucker and Move CNN to Center

Over the weekend news broke that Chris Licht will replace Jeff Zucker as the new president of CNN. As part of the move, Licht...