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Social Media Spoils Surprise but Ratings Remain High

Despite social media updates, such as tweets, status updates and text messages  "spoiling" the outcome of the 2012 Olympics before they even air on...

Twitter and Facebook as Newspaper

Want your own personal newspaper? Paper.li, the product of Swiss startup SmallRivers, organizes the content drawn from shared Twitter links into an easily-digestible newspaper-like layout in...

Social Media Run Amok

NY Times Highlights #Hayes Tweeters

The New York Times has an in-depth piece today on the use of Twitter during the Hayes trial (or should I say, #Hayes) and...

Today's Media Links

Dean Pagani interviews our own Duby McDowell about The Laurel. The Globe is cutting back its newsroom. Twitter breaks another news story. Something about a plane...

Do you Tweet?

Twitter is, again, making headlines in Connecticut. Ted Mann wrote a pieceduring this past campaign cycle regarding the sloppy work done by Andrew Powelany, campaign manager...