Tonight’s the night that will likely provide the first ten seconds in the campaign 2016 highlight reel when it is all over.
First seven and then ten Republican presidential candidates will take the stage for two separate live debates on the Fox News network. Politico has an interesting, behind the scenes look at the preparations being made by Fox newsers Chris Wallace, Brett Baier and Megyn Kelly.
It’s noted that these three anchors are among the hard news reporters that allow Fox News to claim it is “fair and balanced.”
There are so many candidates on the Republican side that the debate had to be split in two. There’s a prime time debate and an earlier one at 5p.m. eastern time that’s being called “the happy hour debate.”
We are pretty sure nothing like this has ever happened before in televised presidential debate history, but since we didn’t have time to make absolutely sure, you can safely say: “This has never happened in recent memory, according to political observers,” and that will be acceptable.