Convention Mentions



The press corps at the Democratic State Convention looked very different than it did four years ago, mostly because of the addition of the “new media”:

CTNewsJunkie/New Haven Independent, 3 bloggers from MyLeft Nutmeg, Bob Adams of Connecticut, Theresa Freeman of LocalOnlineNews.TV, Aldon Hynes’s we surely missed someone.

How frustrating…for many reporters that the wifi at the CT Expo Center worked on a sporadic basis at best. The Connecticut Post’s Ken Dixon kept a running tally next to his computer of how many times it shut off and late Saturday afternoon we saw there were 10 hash marks.

How great… that it’s a non-story that Kevin Lembo (pictured above), the endorsed Democrat for Comptroller, is the first openly-gay candidate nominated by a major party for a statewide office.

How dorky...but we love to note which songs the candidates pick for their floor demonstrations. A sampling from the Democrats (and we hope a commenter might have GOP info for us):

Blumenthal:  “I Won’t Back Down” (Tom Petty)

Wyman: “I’m Every Woman” (Chaka Khan)

Merrill: The campaign chose “I Gotta Feeling” (Black Eyed Peas), but the sound system played something else….

Final endorsed Democratic slate victory song: “Get the Party Started” (Pink)

Across town at the Convention Center, where state Republicans met…many were happy to see former Connecticut media/political guy Dean Pagani back in town. He’s moved to D.C. but is helping Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley and came up for the weekend.