Courant Discontinues FoxCT Reporter's Column


Jennifer Bosworth

From  Facebook:

Jennifer Lahmers Fox Hartford It is with deep regret that I tell you the Hartford Courant has decided to pull my column, No Makeup. I can only thank those of you who have been reading the column loyally. I have sincerely enjoyed writing for you and giving you a chuckle every once in a while. If you would like to contact someone about this decision the email is: Thank you everyone once again.


  1. Yeah, now if they would just pull all the other nonsense and get these non-columnists out of the paper, things would look up for the credibility of The Courant. As Jennifer requested, I will certainly be sending a letter. Of thanks.

  2. Petty stupidity? Give me Campbell, Ubinas, McEnroe and Rennie any day over this nonsense. A waste of ink. And if she wasn’t attractive or worked for Tribune already, these columns wouldn’t have seen the light of day. Make room for real, talented journalists who deserve the space.

  3. I am a HUGE fan of Susan, Helen and Colin – all of them true journalists. I always look forward to their columns and often save copies to revisit later. Having said that I think there is always a place for light, silly humor especially in these times.