Doc Worth Watching


Here’s one right up your alley Laurel readers.

Quinnipiac University Associate Professor of Journalism Karin Schwanbeck and her husband adjunct Bill Schwanbeck, will be screening their documentary on breaking into the local TV news business next month at QU.

The free screening will be held on Thursday October 20th at 7p.m. in room 101 of the Echlin Center.

The documentary is titled: “Small Markets Big Dreams: Five Journalists Start Their Careers in TV News.”

The Schwanbecks, who started shooting the documentary in 2013, followed young television journalists in their first jobs in Elmira, New York; Oak Hill, West Virginia; Amarillo, Texas; and Abilene, Texas. They also followed the journalists to their second positions in Providence, Rhode Island; Nashville, Tennessee; Santa Maria, California; and Altoona, Pennsylvania to see if they viewed their careers as television reporters differently.

See you there!