Geoff Fox Receives 'Surreal' Level of Support


Geoff Fox is the richest man in Bedford Falls Connecticut:

A ‘commiserative phone call’ from U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal

Letters from troops in Afghanistan….

7,800 Friends on the ‘Keep Geoff Fox at Channel 8‘ Facebook page…

Geoff Fox has received an overwhelming amount of support since news of his departure at Channel 8 was announced. With this outpouring of support we can only assume that his next opportunity is right around the corner.


  1. Decades ago a congressman told me for every phone call he received on a particular subject it meant there were 6- 9 others who felt the same way.

    If that is the case and instead of phone calls it is Facebook “friends” that means at a minimum 63,000 people want Geoff to stay. And that only counts people who REALLY care.

    Maybe management should announce they made an “oopsy” and go back and dust off that contract.

  2. I think that Geoff’s contract not being renewed strikes a parallel cord with the current pain that the recession has brought on everyone. Everyone knows someone who has lost their job because of budget cuts, and mismanagement. It’s that anger that’s being channeled. Performance, like everyone else who has been a victim of this economy was not in question here.

    It is shear American mismanagement, which goes on daily at LIN TV, and reverberates down through the walls of WTNH. When I worked there you never saw anyone from upstairs visiable, -no boss who laid his workers off knew who was actually a decent employee. The only one who knew his employees was Kirk Varner, and not surprisily he’s gone now.

    The promotions department there is horrendously weak, and it shown with the pathetic roll out of Teresa’s start at WTNH. If anything that department should be gutted, as two highly talented kids from a local college can produce senior class projects that run circles around what that department can do. What’s the point of poaching talent from WFSB if you can’t properly throw it in their faces?

    But even with that failed roll out, that department still lives to see another day as people who do there jobs there get laid off. Because they don’t take the time to know their employees. They go by numbers. How hard is it to walk around an office?

    The elimination of the News chopper coincided with the rebranding of the website to take the attention away from cutting the Chopper. The CT public isn’t stupid. Then streamlining the color scheme of the station red, to reflect other LIN stations, even though the station has nothing in common with other local stations. Thus stripping Channel 8 of years of brand heritage.

    It’s this corperate hands on mentallity from LIN TV headquaters that just isn’t working. In the long term it’s not vital to health of the station. I write all of this today because Geoff being terminated is a perfect example of how clueless LIN management is. Everyone knows Local weather is the driving force behind viewers, -so then you sack your long time weather man, vs. a reporter? It makes no logical sense. How hard is it to look ahead to when a reporter’s contract was up to make cuts that way?

    It’s just all common sense. Meanwhile because of mismanagement, good people who work in that building get scraped while the slime still stays.

    I’m writing about this because my family & I grew up watching WTNH, and had the privilage of working there. I take pride in that fact that I have, but am saddened by it’s fall from grace.

  3. I am sure that as he has been on WTNH for many, many years, his salary is way up there, and in this economy, I am sure WTNH is looking to save as many dollars as it can. So who are the first to go, the inflated weathermen & women who have the highest pay checks. I am sure they said,”It’s not you Geoff, it’s the economy, don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.