The WTIC-AM morning team said its goodbyes this morning to long time morning sportscaster and evening sports reporter Scott Gray.
This was Scott’s last day on the air after his surprise retirement announcement last week. A number of Connecticut luminaries called in to wish Scott well, including former UConn Men’s basketball coach Jim Calhoun and Dick Robinson from the Connecticut School of Broadcasting.
Scott had a passion for his job and for sports that is unmistakable. In his final commentary this morning he said the toughest part of his day was “the 3:00a.m. wake up calls.” Knowing that made the early hours easier to take. What most listeners probably didn’t think about was the fact that Scott’s early rising came just a few hours after a late night covering the Whalers, UCONN, or some other local sports event.
As we said last week, good luck Scott. We hope you enjoy your retirement as much as we’ve enjoyed your work over the years.