Happy Anniversary


http://www.district53toastmasters.org/spr07conf/BruceDePrestSQ.jpgWe love broadcasters’ anniversaries because they mean we have people in this market who know the state and are devoted to it. So hats off to meteorologist Bruce DePrest of WFSB who was saluted on-air last night for 25 years at WFSB. When he was promoted to the top weather job a few years ago the newsroom folks at channel 3 were pleasantly surprised that this nice guy had survived some tumultuous managers yet finished first.

And then there’s Dennis House, who is celebrating 15 years sitting next to Denise D’Ascenzo as an anchor at WFSB. You’ll enjoy the piece on his blog about 1994, the year they first “started dating”. Dennis is an excellent news anchor but he is much more; having worked with him on elections and his Sunday show “Face the State” we know first-hand how much he cares about informing the public so that good elected officials can be chosen. We could go on and on but suffice to say our state is lucky that he has made Hartford his home and not jumped to a bigger market.

Save a piece of cake for us, guys. Congratulations.

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