Here and There.


New York.

On a quiet street in Greenwich Village, a group of union employees from The New Yorker picketed the home(townhouse) of Conde Nast executive and editor Anna Wintour.

The employees are looking for higher wages. For reporters tired of the union protest refrain-  “What do we want? Fair wages! When do we want it? Now! – The New Yorker staffers offered this gem: “Bosses wear Prada, workers get nada.”

This chant is descriptive, short, grammatically correct, and rhymes in two languages, as you might expect from The New Yorker.

Also New York.

Michael Herzenberg, a former reporter with WTNH in New Haven, is now the managing editor of Spectrum NY1.

Winning Headline.

Washington Post: Can Jill Biden Help Move the Needle on Vaccination Rates?


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