The Independent Media Network is pleased to announce the launch of its latest member website in collaboration with two of Connecticut’s very best journalists in former Hartford Courant columnist Susan Campbell and former Associated Press reporter Tom Breen.
Hot Dogma! The Belief Blog can be found at and will include news and commentary on religious issues and institutions, and how faith impacts all of us here and around the world.
Campbell and Breen were paired by the iMN because they are career journalists who had transitioned out of the industry with a lot more left to cover. Their combined expertise on religion is second to none in Connecticut and is sure to be well received by readers all over the Internet.
Breen authored “The Messiah Formerly Known as Jesus: Dispatches from the Intersection of Christianity and Pop Culture” (Baylor) and Campbell is the author of “Dating Jesus” and the upcoming biography, “Tempest-Tossed: The Spirit of Isabella Beecher Hooker.”

, it doesn’t matter what a stduent pursues after high school, they still need to know how to communicate through the written word. I believe the benefits of this are many. For example, I think stduents who learn to polish their writing will be more comfortable verbally communicating too. It is a win-win situation!