So here you go – here’s another chance to squander a completely good hour listening to another edition of The Pub from The Current(obscure Car Talk reference).
In case you didn’t know, The Pub is a podcast from The Current and The Current is a website covering public media. The fact that we know such an outlet exists shows our dedication to digging deep on your behalf.
This week’s program is a discussion about whether public media journalists should drop all pretense of being impartial and just admit which side they are on when covering a story. More and more I think this is happening on its own.* With such a wide array of news and opinion sources out there, the only way to be honest with your audience is to tell your audience where you are coming from. Once the audience knows your opinion, it can better judge the credibility of your work.
The article also includes a reference to the Colin McEnroe Show.
*Only the second time I’ve used the word “I’ writing for this website.
H/T – John Dankosky