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The owner of WHDH in Boston is planning to make a major investment in local news in the next six months with the potential to draw news talent from around New England.*

Ed Ansin has given up his fight to remain as an NBC affiliate and is now preparing to run WHDH as an independent station, with a heavy emphasis on local news, including a morning news block that will run until 10a.m. and a new 9p.m. newscast.

All told, WHDH will expand to more than 87 hours of news each week in what it believes will be more than any other broadcast station in Boston.

Ansin is beefing up his news gathering operation with about 30 more hires, including reporters and producers. Currently, WHDH has a staff of about 300 full-time and part-time employees. Meanwhile, the stationwill also unveil what he calls a “dramatic” news set next month.

Meanwhile, also from Boston, WBZ is moving its 10p.m. newscast airing on My38 to 8p.m. Accordingly, it will no longer be known as the 10 o’clock news.

*Note to Yankee Magazine: Yes, Connecticut is a New England state.

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