Just Another Reason to be Nice to Interns


WFSB News Director Dana Neves just received a promotion to Director of News and Video Content at WFSB and the Meredith-owned Springfield station WSHM.  Dana will continue her duties as News Director at WFSB plus she will also oversee the news operation at WSHM.  From the memo announcing her new job:

Dana started at WFSB as an intern in the summer of 1994.    She was hired as a field producer before graduating college.  She’s held many jobs in the news room including field producer,  assignment editor, assignment manager and assistant news director.


  1. I guess this makes sense, all’s she does is email little nasty notes to people from the comfort of her desk. Now, she’ll email little nasty notes to Springfield, too.
    She quickly forgets what it’s like to be an intern