Upon learning that Stormy Daniels was coming to perform in East Windsor we didn’t give a lot of thought to which reporter would cover the story (East Windsor beat reporter?) for the Hartford Courant. We were a bit surprised, however, to see Capitol Bureau Chief Chris Keating’s byline on the story.
Keating doesn’t see it that way:
“This was a political story from the start. We were never going to write about her performance, and we simply couldn’t because no reporters or photographers were allowed inside the private club. They had a pretty good-sized security crew, and didn’t allow anyone in without a ticket. And that was strictly enforced. But the club manager and promoter talked to me outside the club, along with a bunch of other people, including a 69-year-old woman from Hartford who supports Stormy Daniels and doesn’t like Trump.
It wasn’t hard to cover.
A lot of people write books about the Titanic who never got on the boat.”