King Charles Looks Shaky


It is becoming increasingly likely that we will never see Gayle King(WFSB) and Charles Barkley co-host a show on CNN.

Over the weekend, Barkley made comments on an NHL broadcast on TNT that disparaged CNN and raised questions about his commitment to the show. He compared CNN to the “Titanic” and said his friends are telling him to “abort” the project before it starts.

All this less than a week after CNN fired Chris Licht, the creator of the show, from his position as president of the network.

The show, tentatively named King Charles, is supposed to run on Wednesday nights and feature King and Charles giving their takes on current events. The premise depends on the belief that large numbers of Americans care enough about what they think that they would make an appointment to watch. The once a week schedule would be disruptive to the usual schedule of news programming CNN says it wants to deliver as its brand.

Barkley’s comments will almost certainly sting inside CNN where morale is said to be low and many are said to resent the hiring of King and Charles and the high salaries promised to both.

And so…on this Tuesday morning…it is fair to ask why the current leadership of CNN would want to deal with this headache?

See: Don Lemon.

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