Marla's Back

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Marla Romash is back on the Connecticut scene, serving as an advisor to Dick Blumenthal.  Via CTCapitolReport we saw this wire story which quotes her…and via The Brooks File we hear from someone who knew and worked with her.  Marla was the political reporter for WFSB in the 1980s and then, to the best of our recollection, left to work at the Hartford Courant. We definitely remember that later she was instrumental in Joe Lieberman’s 1988 upset victory over incumbent Senator Lowell Weicker and then moved to Washington…eventually working for John Kerry’s presidential bid.


  1. and I recruited marla as my successor as chris dodd’s press secretary many years ago. What I recall is that she was by far the best qualified candidate. She showed me her clips from the Norwich Bulletin. she went on to the white house with gore and former dodd advisor and driver, doug sosnick. I just discovered this site today. good to see, Joe Connolly