Missing Mayor Mike


Please read the caption – it’s classic Mike Peters.

This photo was taken one day after he was elected Mayor of Hartford in November, 1993.  As a WFSB reporter at the time,  I asked if he would go “live” with me for the 12 noon news and he said, “Sure, but I’m gonna be at work.”  So photographer Jay Farquhar and I met him at the New Britain Avenue firehouse.

Mike treated reporters with friendliness and respect and knew they were people who had an opportunity to help the image of his city. He had a big heart. And a small ego. Yes, he loved the attention brought by his extraordinary sense of humor, but he wasn’t focused on self-aggrandizement. He just loved to make people happy.

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  1. Mayor Mike was great! I remember when I was living on Sisson Ave in Hartford. I was waiting for a bus on Farmington Ave. when some kid on a mountain bike came up to me and asked if I would sign a petition to put Mike Peters on the ballot. I thought to myself, “if some guy has convinced a kid on a bike to pedal around Hartford looking for signatures, then he deserves to be on the ballot.” So, I signed it.