Names in the News


Ari Mason and George Colli.

Ari Mason. The breaking news writer for NBC walked through the steel girders of the channel 30 building for the last time last week as an employee. She is leaving Hartford for New York City where she will begin work this week at NBC News. She may be back to our fair city however to visit her boyfriend, George Colli. Congratulations Ari.

Hope Hicks. The Greenwich native continues to attract Huma Abedin level attention as Donald Trump’s campaign media hand. The New York Post published a profile of her last week in an attempt to figure out how a 26 year old got such a high profile job and how she fits in to Trump’s inner circle.

Kevin Hogan. The WFSB reporter gets the unbridled enthusiasm award for his coverage of Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. Throughout the trip Hogan provided reports from D.C., NYC and Philadelphia at the same time he pushed his story out on social media. Many of Hogan’s posts made no effort to hide his pure delight in covering one of the most memorable stories of his career.

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This Hogan Facebook post was titled, “He waved!”

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