Tribune Merging Courant & Fox61 Operations


New Hartford Courant Publisher: Fox61 General Manager Graziano

Friends tells us that a station meeting is being held late this morning at Fox61 where some major announcements will be made:

1)The television news operation will move from its current location on Church Street in downtown Hartford to 285 Broad Street, the home of the Hartford Courant (both news organizations are owned by Tribune). The plan is to start building a state-of the-art television studio this summer.

2) Fox61 will add two newscasts to its line-up at 12 noon and 6 pm

3) Fox61 Senior V.P. and General Manager Richard Graziano is Publisher of the Hartford Courant effective immediately, replacing Stephen Carver.

Here’s a link to the press release.

Phew – we’re busy digesting…