Official Response to Shelly Sindland's Complaint


From Joseph Schiltz, Vice President, Creative Services and Marketing at the Courant/Fox61:

“Although WTIC-TV typically does not comment on personnel matters, in this case, because of the personal nature of Ms. Sindland’s attacks on the station and her colleagues, we feel we must respond by saying emphatically that this complaint has no merit and that WTIC-TV will vigorously defend itself in this matter. WTIC-TV takes very seriously allegations of discrimination, harassment and retaliation, all of which are prohibited by company policy.”

The Courant, sister publication of Fox61/WTIC-TV, has posted this story about the complaint (by veteran reporter Matt Kaufman) on its website.


  1. Is Sindland still working at the station while this is all going on? Must be pretty hard if she is.

    Hats off to Shelly Sindland for standing up to these guys. Sexism and blatant discrimination can not stand.