Former CBS newsman Charles Kuralt once spoke to a group in Farmington, Connecticut and mused that one benefit of being a long time reporter is that you have accumulated a whole bunch of facts and anecdotes in your head that you can pull out to put a nice finish on a story at any time you wish.
Similarly, we would observe, the longer you look at a subject the more you begin to question its essential being. Which leads us to this Tweet from Anne Karolyi, the managing editor of the Waterbury Republican-American:
While Anne’s musings may seem to be a simple piece of the Twitter water cooler conversation we are all prone to take part in, they may also reveal a long-standing and flawed understanding of the United States, perhaps formalized in an earlier time, by someone in a management position in New York. “Deep South,” in particular, seems rooted in a different era.
Former ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson once said, “There are no bad questions, only bad answers.”
Keep asking questions!