It was an interesting holiday weekend for those studying the state of modern media ownership and journalism.
What began a few weeks ago as a tenuous connection between Michael Schroeder, the publisher of the New Britain Herald and the Bristol Press, and Las Vegas casino owner Sheldon Adelson, has turned into a full blown journalism controversy including a mysterious – apparently non-existent reporter – accusations of plagiarism and expanding influence for Schroeder, the Connecticut based newspaper entrepreneur at the center of it all.
Here is a round up of some of the coverage:
Collins Gets I.F. Stone Award After Quitting Herald – TPM
Oh What a Tangled Web… – Las Vegas Review Journal
Vegas Paper Stands Up to New Owner – Los Angeles Times
Reporting Assignment Raised Suspicions – Associated Press
CT Publisher to Buy B.I. Times – Pro Jo
What is equally interesting about all this is the ability of Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Adelson to carry on while ignoring the outrage being generated in some quarters of the journalism community and, with the exception of the Hartford Courant, the editorial decision being made by most Connecticut news media outlets to leave this story alone.