-A weird morning at the CT Post: Monday morning the City of Bridgeport announced that UI would close a substation, thus shutting down electricity in areas including the Post’s building. As a result, staff at the Post got busy finishing up work and preparing to leave for other Hearst papers’ newsrooms or home. But 12noon and came and went and the lights were still on. It turns out the high tide flood waters didn’t flood the substation.
-9:53 pm Monday night an announcement from the Emergency Alert System cut in to all programming – telling those trapped in their houses to hang a white sheet out the window. We thought of the thousands of times we’ve seen/heard those alerts when they have indicated “this is only a test”. This time it most certainly was not.
-We don’t know much about meteorology but we thought the markets’ newest meteorologist, WTNH’s Erika Martin did a good job during the storm coverage. All the weathercasters, who clearly worked so hard these past few days, seemed intent on informing us and doing so in with appropriate urgency but without hysteria. Station managers, can you please take some of the millions reaped during this election season and at least throw everybody a great party? Gift certificates for Thanksgiving turkeys don’t count.

Erika Martin did a terrible job from a meteorological standpoint. Fast moving wind speeds? Double high tide? Width of the wind? Peripheral downpours? Excessively fast moving wind speeds? Winds that aren’t stopped by the ocean? Give me a break. She sounds so stupid when she tries to talk weather. Also, someone please teach her how to use the graphics system and effective graphic design.
She did great guess it is hard for a few people trapped in 1950 to believe a woman can do a job just as well. I saw her and thought she did very well. Our whole neighborhood thought she was one of the best we saw and this blog apparently liked her too. Go back under your rock
Martin did great? Try horribly. She tried to act like a scientist when everyone knows she’s a joke of a meteorologist and wasn’t hired for her meteorological skills. Why do you think they called Steve in to help three days out? What an embarrassment to people like Ryan Hanrahan, Brad Field, Rachel Frank and Geoff Fox… people who have put time in and earned respect in this field. People who have actual degrees or legitimate certification. And if I have to hear “Hartford my hometown” once again when watching EM, I may scream..and I will definitely flip the channel
Have to agree with Anonymous. I switched to NBC30 and once or twice to WFSB for no other reason than Erika’s lack of credibility. Steve and Gil are fine. Talk around the office (and we are not in broadcasting) is consistent. News8 made a mistake in handing her the primary weather role. This is not about male/female. There are lots of fine female meteoroligists on TV such as Janice Huff of WNBC and Ginger Zee of Good Morning America. Erika just isn’t a good fit for that role at News8.
ShutUp, I don’t think Anonymous meant to imply that she couldn’t do the job because she is a woman. As he said, Rachel Frank (who has a 4 year degree, by the way) did just fine. Not everything is an attack on women’s rights, you know!