Six at the Courant Disciplined for Plagiarism From Other Newspapers


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The Hartford Courant Alumni site has the story.


  1. Re: Toadies at courant disciplined…
    Too little, too late. The paper has tanked in the last three to four years. THey remind me a bit of the RC Church–moving the nee’er do wells around the state. All that’s left are a bunch of toadies and Tribune hacks. If I read one more Dave Owens post whining about how MEAN those goshdarned MEDIA people are, and about how those soresports at the JI are just mad cause their circ numbers are a fraction of the courant’s, I swear I’m going to vomit. Grow up, Dave. You guys are the laughingstock of the state, with good cause. Man-up, woman-up, and admit that really disgusting things have gone on, and stop trying to make it about the other papers just being mean. Rick Green has posted some stuff, but he’s spent 75 percent of the time trying without success to obfuscate the real issue, and the other 25 percent snidely attacking those who would disagree with him.

  2. ctnewsobserver:
    Could I get some of whatever you’re smoking? I did not do what you said I did. I pointed out that the JI has its own plagiarism issues and I pointed out that the JI has happily painted all Courant reporters with the plagriarism brush when it knows that one person, an aggregator, was lifting items from competitors.

    I never said anything about circulation numbers as they are not relevant to the issue. I also did not defend the lifting of stories as it is simply wrong.

    So I ask again, could get I get some of that stuff you’re smoking? And while you’re at it, how about sprouting a pair and using your real name?