Sonia Baghdady's New Gig








As previously posted “Sonia’s Out”, at WTNH, but she’s got a new gig at Veria Living TV.  Sonia is the new anti-aging, beauty and fashion coach at the health and wellness channel.  She will bring VLC viewers simple solutions to health, fashion, and beauty problems. Read more here.


  1. so who has the last laugh now? newbie news director al carl stays local and sonia has a national gig on her way to becoming a big star. he should have Never let her go. another mistake by carl. what is with this guy?

  2. ^ What crack pipe are you smoking?!!! Its a perfect move for her and if she puts in like a year there either someone else nationally will pick her up for additional gigs on other entertainment and infotainment shows. Being a lifer in local news with the industry dieing or believing any national outlet or even new media outlet is less than local is very shallow thinking.

  3. My close friend happen to work at 8..she said at the end no one liked sonya anymore…she was too into her image and being famous. she will not be missed in that sorry place. that is the real truth, these other anonymous’s are fake trolls, obviously

  4. I believe, in the end, the actual truth lies somewhere *between* what “producer chick” and “anonymous” with the friend who works at 8 said.

    Whether she was like or not, who knows; she was regarded as a “star.” That’s fine; but having worked in CT News myself for many years, I felt that in that business, you have to regard the news, weather, etc, as the “star.” Sure, there is a degree of local celebrity. But that should only be leveraged for good/community services to “give back.” When one of us got too into being “stars,” they moved into “Ron Burgundy” territory. Hence, the movie: a reflection of those few tv news anchors and reporters for whom the vanity of personal glamour, or being a personality of renown, was more important to them than accurate writing and reporting of the news of the day.

    Sounds like Sonia has moved on to a venture that suits her aspirations much better. Best to her.

  5. so unhappy here. since Sonia and Janet left the mood in the newsroom sucks. it’s like the end days. someone is at fault for ruining this news operation. why do I stay? I’d rather work at News 12! Sad sad sad. Al do you hear me??