"Step Off and Let the Community Grieve….."

DebraLee Hovey, Laura Hoydick

One of the state legislators who represents Newtown admonished the press during a memorial Wednesday in the General Assembly, insisting it was time to give the community stunned by last week’s massacre space to grieve. “The community is feeling that the press really needs to step off and let the community grieve, let them bury their loved ones,” said Rep. DebraLee Hovey, a Republican from neighboring Monroe. “Come back in six months and tell the story of the love and faith of this community.”


  1. I couldn’t agree more. They’ve let the world know what happened, but now is the time to give the families privacy and let the community have a chance to grieve. They do not need to use this tragedy as a way to boost their ratings.

  2. Amen to both posts .. CT’s press has done a great job. As they have in truth, thank God, not as much experience covering these national acts of horror .

    The national media on the other hand take it a bit far. Smelling a story at a griever’s expense.

    Like the post said – Its time to let the families and the town as a whole grieve in peace.

    J West
    Freelance Associates
    Southington, CT