Face the State WFSB 11 a.m
Host: Dennis House
LIVE Show – A CL&P Official, Congressman John Larson (D-CT), Mayors Scott Slifka (D-West Hartford) and Jason McCoy (R-Vernon), Secretary of the State Denise Merrill.
The Real StoryFoxCT 6:30 am
Host: Laurie Perez
Criticism Over Storm Response
Mary Glassman, Simsbury First Selectman
Scott Slifka, Mayor of West Hartford
Speaker Chris Donovan, D – Meriden
State Rep. Vicki Nardello, D – Prospect
The Stan Simpson Show Fox CT Saturday, 6:30 am, online at www.ctnow.com/stan
Host: Stan Simpson
Shakeup in Malloy Administration
Chris Keating, Hartford Courant
Christine Stuart, CT News Junkie
Herman Cain Controversy
Chris Keating, Hartford Courant
Christine Stuart, CT News Junkie
Corey Brinson, Hartford Councilman
UConn Hoops Preview
Scott Gray, WTIC
Focus on Connecticut News12 Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm.Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm
Host: Tom Appleby
Airs Saturday:
Bill Finch, D – Mayor of Bridgeport
Rick Torres, R – Candidate for Mayor
Jeff Kohut, PC – Candidate for Mayor
Airs Sunday:
Peter Tesei, R – Greenwich Selectman
John Blankley, D – First Selectman Candidate
CTN: Capitol Report: Week in Review Sunday at 8 pm Replays of: The Real Story (8:30 PM), Face the State (9:00 pm),The Stan Simpson Show (9:30 pm)