Sunday Talk


Face the State WFSB 11 am

Host: Dennis House

Susan Raff fills in for Dennis House

Duby McDowell and Kevin Rennie on recent legal developments with former Governor John Rowland

Bob Eick – Republican Candidate for State Treasurer

Trip Pilgrim – Tenet Healthcare


CT Capitol Report FoxCT Sunday 10:30 am

Host: Tom Dudchik

The Real Story
FoxCT Sunday 10 am

Hosts: Laurie Perez and Al Terzi

Rowland-Foley Investigation

Guests: Former CT Lawmaker Kevin Rennie and Attorney Jim Bergenn

“Crime Victim Privacy” “Second Chance for Juvenile Offenders”

Guest:  Garvin Ambrose, State Victim Advocate

“CT Manufacturing Industry Survey”

Guest: Frank Johnson, Manufacturing Alliance of CT


The Stan Simpson Show Fox CT Saturday, 6:30 am, online at

Host: Stan Simpson

Holistic Healing (How to start)

Guest: Dana Rondel, minister, author – Rise & Reach

A Super Smoothie for Optimum Health

Guest: Kevin Reese,Founder; Eat the Sunlight

Music is the Great Elixir

Guest: Dr. Joe Breton, naturopathic doctor

Focus on Connecticut
News12 Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm.Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Host: Tom Appleby

Gov. Dannel Malloy

(D) Connecticut

: Capitol Report: Week in Review Sunday at 8 pm Replays of: The Real Story (8:30 pm), Face the State (9:00 pm),The Stan Simpson Show (9:30 pm)