Face the State WFSB 11 a.m
Host: Dennis House
2010 Race for the Senate: State Senator Sam Caligiuri (R)
The Override of Governor Rell’s Vetoes and the Budget Crisis: State Senator Jonathan Harris (D) and State Senator Dan DeBicella (R)
Former Connecticut Democratic Party Chairman Ed Marcus talks politics and why he thinks Democrats may need to replace Senator Dodd for the 2010 race.
The Real Story Fox61 10:30 am
Host: Shelly Sindland
Two recent Quinnipiac University Polls have a lot to say about what voters think is going on in the state. Is Gov. Rell losing ground with voters while Sen. Chris Dodd seems to be picking up speed? Why not having a state budget is turning into a pretty big deal.
Guests: Dean Pagani, former Chief of Staff for Gov. John Rowland; Patrick Scully, former Democratic communications specialist for Senate Democrats and Jim Amann.
More about the Sustinet Health Care reform plan which was brought back to life last week with an override of Governor Jodi Rell’s veto. Democrats say this landmark legislation will pave the way for universal health care in the ttate but will it really?
Guests: Chris Keating, Capitol Bureau Chief with The Hartford Courant; Christine Stuart—CTNewsJunkie.com
The big shocker last week, the news that 1,000 jobs at Pratt & Whitney could be on the line.
Guests: Wayne McCarthy–works at Cheshire Facility which is slated for possible closure; John Harity, Union Representative
The Stan Simpson Show Fox61 10 am
Host: Stan Simpson
Segment 1: Dr. Cato T. Laurencin – Dean of UConn Medical School, VP of Health Services … UConn’s new BMOC talks about ambitious plans to merge UConn medical center with Hartford Hospital.
Segment 2: Small business owners Jerry Long and Ann Flynn discuss the record closings of small businesses in Connecticut.
Segment 3: Courant Java Columnist Mary Ellen Fillo dishes on entertainer Chris Brown’s public apology, the David’s mammoth divorce settlement and other entertainment matters.
CT News MakersWVIT/NBC30 6:30 am
Host: Tom Monahan
Scott Bates, Vice President, Center for National Policy on his recent trip to the Middle East – plus US relations with Iran, North Korea and China.
Jessie Stratton, Connecticut Sierra Club, on the new bottle bill that takes effect in October.
Professor Robert Rainish, University of New Haven, criticizes President Obama’s plan to increase taxes on U.S. businesses operating overseas.
Focus on Connecticut News12 Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm.Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm
Host: Tom Appleby
State Rep. Livvy Floren- Greenwich)
State Rep. Chris Caruso (D – Bridgeport)
CTN Capitol Report Sunday at 8 pm Replays of: The Real Story (8:30 PM), CT Newsmakers (9 pm), Face the State (9:30 pm), On the Record (10 pm)