Face the State WFSB 11 am
Host: Dennis House
Racial Profiling Bill:
Doug Glanville, former MLB player
Federal Help for Hartford:
Thea Montanez, Director – Promise Zone
Flashback: The execution of Michael Ross. Report by Kara Sundlun
The Real Story Fox CT Sunday 10:30am
Host: Jenn Bernstein and Al Terzi
Dispute Between Legislative Republicans and Governor Malloy Over Malloy Remarks on Race.
Reporter Roundtable: Christine Stuart, CT News Junkie; Steve Kotchko, CRN; and Keith Phaneuf, CT Mirror
Hartford Mayor’s Race:
Candidate John Gale(D)
The Stan Simpson Show Fox CT Saturday, 6:30am, online at
Focus on Connecticut News 12 Saturday: 7:30am, 11am, 2:30pm, 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30am, 7:30am, 11am, 1:30pm, 5:30pm
Host: Tom Appleby
Sen. Bob Duff(D)
CTN: Capitol Report: Week in Review Sunday at 8pm replays of: The Real Story (8:30pm), Face the State (9:00pm), The Stan Simpson Show (9:30 pm)